"Seeking to know Christ and make him known"
Stewpot Community Services provides various programs for the needy in our community. St. Peter's supports Stewpot in the following areas.
The Community Kitchen provides a noontime meal to anyone-no questions asked-seven days a week, 365 days a year.
St. Peter's provides the noon meal on the 4th Sunday of every other month.
The Billy Brumfield Shelter offers a range of programs for men experiencing homelessness. Men staying at Brumfield have full access to other Stewpot services and are referred to mental health services, permanent housing assistance, and job opportunities. Volunteers provide meals and offer life skills classes. Some congregations also offer Bible study, which is optional for all guests.
St. Peter's provides the evening meal for the residents at Brumfield on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of each month.
Stewpot Summer Recreational Camp got its start with just popsicles and a kickball in an empty field across from the soup kitchen. But camp has been both an anchor and a safe haven for thousands of inner-city kids over the past 30 years.
At Stewpot’s Summer Camp, campers are provided a light breakfast, two snacks, and a nutritious lunch every day. Mini Art Camps and Sports Camps allow them to explore their creativity and, of course, have fun. They participate in Vacation Bible Schools as invited by our supporting congregations. Book Clubs and garden projects even sneak a little learning in through the summer.
Our campers live in the poorest community in the Metro area, and many of them rarely leave the confines of their neighborhoods. Summer Camp becomes their portal to the world. Field trips to local museums, parks, movies, sporting events, and plays broaden their worldviews and expose them to new ideas.
Summer Camp has also become a training ground for our students as they grow. Interested campers can apply to become Counselors in Training beginning in 8th grade and paid counselors beginning in 10th grade, This gives them real world work experience that can be a launching pad to future jobs.
St. Peter's provides scholarships for 10 children each summer for camp.
Our "Red Wagon" ministry collects nonperishable food items each week to help those in our communities. St. Peter's partners with St. Paul's Catholic Church in Brandon to help feed those in need. Tuesdays are our designated day for collections but you may bring your donations anytime. On Tuesdays we deliver our donations to St. Paul's and they put them with other donations to take to those in need. We are thankful for the donations and for our brothers and sisters in Christ at St. Paul's.
St. Peter's strives to support our community when and where we can.
Some of the other organizations we help throughout the year are:
Grace House
Sunnybrook Children's Home
Hope House
Mississippi Food Network
Shower Power
Tornado relief for Rolling Fork
Various Thanksgiving and Christmas projects
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