The prayer ministry group meets each Monday morning to knit and crochet prayer shawls. The completed shawls are given to people who are sick, who have lost loved ones, and to those who are celebrating anniversaries, births, birthdays, graduating high school seniors and those who have been baptized. Please join us, all are welcome.
We offer a bible study class each Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. No prep work is required to join the group. Please join us, all are welcome.
Every Tuesday we put out our red wagon and ask for donations of nonperishable food items. St. Peter's partners with St. Paul's Catholic Church to help feed those in our community who need help. The Wagon is out in front of the church each week. Please feel free to make a donation. Thank you.
Art Class meets at 10 a.m. on Thursdays to learn about art and have fun. No previous art experience is necessary. If you are interested in having some fun with paints, please contact the church office for more information.
The ladies of the church meet monthly for fellowship and lunch. Please contact the church office to see where next month's luncheon will be.
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